
To prepare a data manipulation command.


int dbStartCommand(dbConnection connection, string cmdStr, dbCommand &command);


Parameter Meaning
connection Connection reference supplied by dbOpenConnection()
cmdStr Data manipulation command (on behalf of SQL string)
command Command reference for using the following dbCommand methods (return parameter)

Return Value

The return value is an error code. 0 denotes successful execution of the operation. With other values detailed error information can be retrieved using dbGetError().


If an invalid connection is transferred, an error is returned. Errors in the data manipulation command (also syntax error) are only reported with dbExecuteCommand().


Manipulations to a data source can be made for a particular record via record sets and globally via dbCommand objects. In the latter case a command reference is ascertained via dbStartCommand(), the command is executed with dbExecuteCommand() and the command reference is released again with dbFinishCommand().

SQL data manipulation commands (DML, i.e. INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE) are usually issued via this interface. Manipulations to individual data record fields are usually easier to carry out via record sets.


see dbBeginTransaction()


ADO and Qt, Database functions
