Line-type string

The line type defines how lines and curves are implemented, such as the borders for rectangles, circles, ellipses, polygons and plain texts. A line-type definition has five different parameters in WinCC OA, which must all be passed in a line-type string.



The string must not contain any spaces. Spaces after commas for instance will mask the associated parameter.

Tabelle 1. Line-type string
Parameter Valid values Comment
solid continuous
dashed dashed
dotted dotted
dash_dot dash-dot
dash_dot_dot dash-dot-dot
oneColor single color dashes (dash back ground color is set transparent)
twoColor two-color dashes (foreground color between dash background color)
JoinMiter pointed
JoinRound round
JoinBevel beveled
CapNotLast shortened
CapButt edge
CapRound round
CapProjecting extended (not in Vision)
0 ... 50

0 ... thinnest line

50 ... thickest line


For the rectangle 1, a solid single-color line, with a thickness of three points, sharp corners is set:

  int x;
  x=setValue("rectangle1", "border", "[solid,oneColor,JoinMiter,CapNotLast,4]");

For the rectangle 2, a dashed, two colored line with a thickness of 3 points and round corners is set:

  int x;
Abbildung 1. For the first Rectangle, a solid single-color Line, with a thickness of three points, sharp corners and for the second Rectangle a dashed, two-colored Line with a thickness of 3 points and round corners is set: