
The slider provides a vertical or horizontal slider. Slider is used for controlling a bounded value.

Available functions Description
"borderWidth" Sets the width of a slider border.
"focusEnabled" Indicates whether the widget accepts keyboard focus.
"height" This attribute returns the height of an object (textEdit, progress bar, tree widget, slider, zoom navigator, LCD number or thumb wheel).
"imageToClipboard" Copies an image of a graphics object to the clipboard.
"imageToFile" Saves the image of a graphics object (screenshot).
"invertedAppearance" Changes the direction of the slider into top = minimum value and bottom = maximum value.
"isActiveWindow" The attribute "isActiveWindow" returns TRUE if this widget is the active window, otherwise FALSE.
"lineStep" Specifies the current line step of a slider. (the increment between the steps).
"maximumHeight","maximumWidth" The attribute "maximumHeight" returns the maximum height of a textEdit (excluding any window frame), tree widget or slider and the attribute "maximumWidth" returns the maximum width of a textEdit, tree widget or slider.
"minimumHeight", "minimumWidth" The attribute "minimumHeight" returns the minimum height of a textEdit (excluding any window frame), a tree widget or of a slider and the attribute "minimumWidth" the minimum width of a textEdit, tree widget or a slider.
"maxValue" The attribute "maxValue" sets the maximum value that will be returned when a slider moves to the maximum position. In case of a thumb wheel, the thumb wheel is moved between the minimum and maximum values.
"minValue" The attribute "minValue" sets the minimum value that will be returned when a slider moves to the minimum position. In case of a thumb wheel, the thumb wheel is moved between the minimum and maximum values.
"orientation" Sets the orientation of a slider or a thumb wheel.
"ownCursor" The attribute "ownCursor" returns TRUE if a textEdit, tree widget, slider, zoom navigator or a thumb wheel uses its own cursor. If the value is FALSE, the object uses its parent widget`s cursor.
"ownFont" The attribute "ownFont" returns TRUE if a textEdit, slider, zoom navigator or tree widget uses its own font. If the value is FALSE, the object uses its parent widget's font.
"pageStep" Specifies how many steps a slider moves when you click on it.
"tickInterval" Sets the interval between the tick marks.
"tickPosition" Defines where the position marks of a slider are to be drawn.
"tracking" The attribute "tracking" specifies whether the slider tracking has been enabled.
"underMouse" Returns TRUE if the widget (textEdit, slider, thumb wheel, tree widget, zoom navigator, LCD number or progress bar) is beneath the cursor.
"updatesEnabled" This attribute specifies whether updates of a widget (textEdit, slider, progress bar, zoom navigator, LCD number or thumb wheel) have been enabled.
"value" Sets the current value of a slider.
"width" The attribute "width" returns the width of an object (textEdit, zoom navigator or slider).
"x","y" The attributes x and y return the coordinates for an object (textEdit, progress bar, slider, zoom navigator, LCD number or a thumb wheel). Attribute x returns the X coordinate of an object and attribute y returns the Y coordinate of an object.