
Available functions Description
"addAxis" Adds an axis.
"addSeries" Used to add a series.
"animateHoverItem" Defines if the item under the mouse should be shown animated.
"animateValueChange" Defines if the value change of as series should be shown animated.
"axesColor" Defines the color of the axes in a Radar chart.
"axesCount" Gets the number of axes.
"axesFont" Defines the font of the texts and numbers at the axes.
"axesLabelFont" Defines the font of the title of the axes.
"bubbleColorFromValue" If a heatmap should be created and the property "bubbleColorFromValue" is "TRUE", the highest value is displayed in white and the lowest value is displayed in the color, which was defined for the series.
"bubbleMaxSize" Defines the maximum size of a bubble in pixel.
"bubbleMinSize" Defines the minimum size of a bubble in pixel.
"chartType" Defines the chart type.
"colorMapNames" Returns a list of colorMap names.
"currentRoot" Defines the chart type.
"defaultFillType" Defines the default fill type for a newly created series.
"defaultLineType" Defines the line type used as default when a new series is created.
"explosionOffset" Defines the number of pixel an item should be displayed "exploded".
"frameShadow" The attribute "frameShadow" sets the 3D-effect for the widget border.
"frameShape" The attribute "frameShape" sets the style of the widget border.
"getItemData" Retrieves saved data from the item.
"getItemPolar" Returns the value of an item within a series for a Polar Chart
"getItemSubSeries" Returns the subseries of the item.
"getItemValue" Returns the value of an item within a series.
"getItemXY" Returns the value of an item within a series.
"getSeries" Used to get the values of a series.
"getSeriesName" Returns the series name.
"getSeriesParent" Returns the parent index.
"gridColor" Defines the color of the grid.
"holeFactor" Defines the size of the hole of the charttypes Donut and DonutBars.
"isSeriesVisible" Checks if a series is visible.
"itemsSelectable" Defines if the items are selectable or not.
"legendFont" Defines the font of the legend.
"legendPosition" Defines the position of the legend.
"lineWidth" The attribute "lineWidth" sets the width of the borderline.
"midLineWidth" The attribute "midLineWidth" sets the width of the midline of the border.
"navigateOnClick" Defines the chart behaviour when clicked.
"orientation" Defines the orientation of the shown bars in the charttypes Bars, StackedBars and PercentStackedBars.
"removeAxes" Removes all axes.
"removeAllSeries" Removes all series set for the chart.
"removeSeries" Used to remove a series.
"segmentSpacing" Defines the space in pixel between the segments in the charttypes Bars, StackedBars and PercentStackedBars.
"selectionFillType" Defines the fill type of a selected item.
"seriesCount" Returns the number of series.
"seriesSpacing" Defines the distance in pixel between the series.
"setAxis" The values of an axis can be changed or a new axis can be added.
"setAxisColor" Sets the color of an axis.
"setItemData" Saves data in the item.
"setItemExploded" Defines in the charttypes Donut and DonutBars if an item should be shown shifted outwards.
"setItemFillColor" Used to define the fill color of an item.
"setItemFillType" Used to define the fill type of an item.
"setItemValue" Used to set the value of an item within a series.
"setItemValueText" Used to set a text instead of the value of an item within a series.
"setSeries" Is used to change the values of an existing series or to add a new series.
"setSeriesAsLine" Used in the charttypes Bars, StackedBars and Bubbles to show the given series as a polyline, instead of bubbles or bars.
"setSeriesColorMap" Defines all stops of a color map
"setSeriesColorStop" Defines one stop in a color map.
"setSeriesFillColor" Specifies the fill color of a series.
"setSeriesFillType" Specifies the fill type of a series.
"setSeriesLineColor" Used to define which color the line of a series should have.
"setSeriesLineType" Specifies the line type of the border of charttypes with filled items (for example Bars) or the line type of a series when shown as line (see "setSeriesAsLine").
"setSeriesMarkerType" Defines the type of the marker for a series.
"setSeriesName" Used to define the name for the series.
"setSeriesNamedColorMap" Sets a color map for a series.
"setSeriesParent" Used to set a parent for a series in the treemap.
"setSeriesPolar" Sets a series for a Polar chart.
"setSeriesPolarAxis" Sets the axis for a series of a Polar chart.
"setSeriesStretch" The "stretch"-property is only used in the charttypes Donut and DonutBars and defines a factor for the width of the rings in relation to each other.
"setSeriesVisible" Sets a series to visible or invisible.
"setSeriesXYV" Used to create a series for the charttype bubbles.
"showGrid" Defines if the grid should be shown.
"shownValueText" "None", "Value" and "Percent" defines, how the values should be displayed for an item. This is possible in every charttype but Radar and Bubble. The "Percent"-display is only used in the charttypes Donut and PercentStackedBars.
"startAngle" Defines at what angle the chart display should start. This setting is used in Donut, DonutBars and Radar.
"stopAngle" Similar to "startAngle" but defines the maximum angle for the display. It is only used in the charttypes Donut and DonutBars.
"valueTextPosition" Defines where the value text should be displayed. This property is only used in the barcharts.