COM - getLangIdx()

Returns the index of the given language in the project.


HRESULT getLangIdx([in] VARIANT id, [out, retval] int *asDpName);


Parameter Description
id Language ID. The language identifier from the lang.dir file in <wincc_oa_path>/nls from the first column of the file, for example, id ="it_IT.iso88591"; (for Italian). The language identifier can also be an integer. In this case, you can find the language numbers of the different languages in the lang.nt file in <wincc_oa_path>/nls.
asDpName Index of the given language


This function returns the index of the given language (either via language name or integer) in the project. The index starts at 0, therefore e.g. index 2 is returned for the language on the third place in the config file.

Public Sub getLangIdx()
  Debug.Print moComManager.getLangIdx("en_US.utf8")
End Sub
