COM - dpSet()

Assigns values to data point attributes.


HRESULT dpSet([in] VARIANT vDpName, [in] VARIANT vValue);


Parameter Description
vDpName Data point attributes
vValue Values that are written


Sets the value of the data point attribute that is specified in the vDpNamestring. The value that should be set is defined in the variable vValue.The type of vValue depends on the type of the attribute. If an attribute does not exist, a runtime error is shown. Ifonly the data point is specified, :_original.._value is added. See also CTRL function dpSet().


(See ComSample.xls, CComSample)

Public Sub dpSet()
Dim asDp(1) As String
Dim avValue(1) As Variant
'Setzen eines einzelnen Wertes
moComManager.dpSet "ExampleDP_Arg1.:_original.._value", 42
'Setzen mehrerer Werte
asDp(0) = "ExampleDP_Arg1.:_original.._value"
avValue(0) = 10
asDp(1) = "ExampleDP_Arg2."
avValue(1) = 20
moComManager.dpSet asDp, avValue
End Sub
