COM - dpGetDescription()

Returns the description of a data point element.


HRESULT dpGetDescription([in] VARIANT vDpName, [in, defaultvalue(-3)] int iMode, [out, retval]VARIANT *vDescription);


Parameter Description
vDpName Data point element or data point
iMode Mode for the operating mode
vDescription The description of the data point element or data point


Contrary to the Ctrl function of the same name, no langStrings are supported since there are no corresponding variable types in the COM object model. The parameter vDpNames supports both a single string as well as an array of strings. The result depends on what is used.

If the value -3 (default) is used for the parameter iMode, the ComManager uses the default value from the config file. Otherwise mode is used as described in the ctrl function dpGetDescription().


(See ComSample.xls, CComSample)

Public Sub dpGetDescription()
Debug.Print moComManager.dpGetDescription("_mp_ANALOG2.analog.value")
End Sub
