
The function places the specified module above all non-topmost windows. The window of the module maintains its topmost position even when it is deactivated.

Note that the function only works within the own UI manager. If you open a module in a new user interface manager and call the function for this module from another user interface manager it does not work. You have to call the function within the same user interface manager under which the module was opened.

Note that the function does not work for child panels. The function is used for modules.


int stayOnTop(bool bFlag [, string module]);


Parameter Description
bFlag Switch this property on or off.
module The module that should stay on top. Default is the current module.

Return value

0 on success, otherwise -1.


Places the module "module" above all non-topmost windows. The window of the module maintains its topmost position even when it is deactivated.


The example opens a new module and a panel within the module. The module is placed above all non-topmost windows via the stayOnTop() function. This way the window of the module maintains its topmost position even when it is deactivated. Note that you need a panel called DPPanel.pnl for this example (or you can use your own panel). Note that the function only works when opened from VISION. Do not use the save and run (quick test) option of GEDI.

  makeDynString()); /* Opens a module called "newModule" and the
  panel called DPPanel.pnl within the module */
  int retVal;
  bool bFlag = TRUE;
  string module = "newModule";
  retVal= stayOnTop(bFlag,module); /* Function call, the module
  maintains its topmost position */


Administration of managers...
