
The function sends a mouse event to a target window.


int sendMouseEvent(string|shape target, int x = -1, int y = -1, int button = 0, int modifiers = 0);


Parameter Description
  • empty string:

    window in which the script is attached or the currently focused window.

  • string:

    window of the given module name

  • shape:

    a shape that defines the target window and the top-left position the x and y coordinates are relative to.

    A (shape)0 argument can be used as target to address the window which currently is the active popup or has the keyboard focus.

x, y

Mouse coordinates relative to the given target

Default is the current mouse position

button The mouse-button to be pressed. Can be MOUSE_LEFT, MOUSE_RIGHT, MOUSE_MIDDLE, or empty string for release.
modifiers a combination of KEY_SHIFT, KEY_CONTROL, KEY_ALT, KEY_META

Return value

Returns -1 if an error occurs and 0 if the function was executed successfully.


The specified module does not exist.


The function sends a mouse event to a target. It specifies the position the mouse pointer has and the button that is pressed. Passing an empty string to the "button" parameter creates a release of the mouse button.

Therefore a mouse click consists of two calls of this function: a press followed by a release.


Sending a mouse click to a panel


  sendMouseEvent(panel, 395, 100, MOUSE_LEFT);

  sendMouseEvent(panel, 395, 100);


Miscellaneous Functions
