Common Name Service Control Functions

The following control functions are provided for an easier use of the Common Name Service feature in scripts.

Function Description
cns_changeNodeTypeName() Changes the name of a node type
cns_changeViewName() Changes the name of a view
cns_checkId() Checks if the ID is valid
cns_checkName() Checks if the name is valid
cns_checkSeparator() Checks if the separator is valid
cns_createNodeType() Creates a new node type
cns_createTreeOrNode() Creates a tree or a node and adds it to a tree
cns_createView() Creates a new view
cns_createViewDp() Creates a data point for the given view
cns_deleteNodeType() Deletes the given node type
cns_deleteTreeOrNode() Deletes the given node or tree
cns_deleteView() Deletes the given view
cns_deleteViewDp() Deletes a data point linked to the given view
cns_getNodeIcon() Returns the path of the node icon
cns_getNodeTypeDisplayName Returns the display name of the given node type
cns_getNodeTypeIcon() Returns the path of the node type icon
cns_getNodeTypes() Returns all existing node types
cns_getNodeTypeValue() Returns the value of the given node type
cns_getReadableViews() Returns all views which are available for the given permission
cns_getViewPermission() Returns all permissions for the given view
cns_isNode() Allows to check if the given ID is a node
cns_isTree() Allows to check if the given ID is a tree
cns_isView() Allows to check if the given ID is a view
cns_nodeExists() Allows to check if the given node exists
cns_setNodeIcon() Sets an icon for the given node
cns_setNodeTypeDisplayName() Sets a multilingual display name for the node type
cns_setNodeTypeIcon() Sets an icon for the given node type
cns_setNodeTypeValue Sets the value of the given node type.
cns_setViewPermission() Sets the permission for the given view
cns_treeExists() Checks if the given tree exists
cns_viewDpToName() Returns the ID of the view which is linked to the given internal data point
cns_viewExists() Checks if the given view exists
cns_viewNameToDpName() Returns the name of the data point linked to the view
cnsAddNode Adds a new node to a tree or sub-tree
cnsAddObserver Registers the given function as CNS observer
cnsAddTree Allows to create a tree or sub-tree
cnsChangeNodeData Changes the data point (element) and type of the given node
cnsChangeNodeDisplayNames Changes the display name of the given node
cnsChangeNodeName Changes the ID of the given node
cnsChangeTree Replaces a tree or sub-tree with a new tree
cnsChangeViewDisplayNames Changes the display name of the given tree
cnsChangeViewNames Changes the ID of the given view
cnsChangeViewSeparators Changes the separators of the given view
cnsCreateView Allows to create a new view
cnsDeleteTree Allows to delete a tree, sub-tree or node
cnsDeleteView Allows to delete a view (with all its trees)
cnsGetChildren Returns the ID paths of all child element of a node
cnsGetDisplayNames Returns the display names of a node
cnsGetDisplayPath Returns the display name path of a node
cnsGetId Returns the linked data point and CNSDataIdentifierType of the given node.
cnsGetIdSet Returns the names of data points linked to the matching nodes
cnsGetNodesByData Looks for nodes that are linked to the given data point (element)
cnsGetNodesByName Looks for ID paths of nodes that match the given criteria
cnsGetOPCAccessRight Returns the OPC access right for the given node
cnsGetParent Returns the path of the parent node
cnsGetProperty Retrieves the key value from the property of the defined node.
cnsGetPropertyKeys Returns a list of all keys which are defined for the given node.
cnsGetRoot Returns the ID path of the root node of the tree which contains the given node
cnsGetSystemNames Returns the display names of the given system
cnsGetTrees Returns the ID paths of all trees of the given view
cnsGetUserData Returns the user data stored in a node.
cnsGetViewDisplayNames Returns the display names of the given view.
cnsGetViews Returns the paths of all views in the given system
cnsGetViewSeparators Returns the separators of the given view
cnsRemoveObserver De-registers the given observer function
cnsRemoveProperty Removes the key from the property of the given node.
cnsSetProperty Sets the property for the given node as a key/value pair
cnsSetSystemNames Changes the display name of the given system
cnsSetUserData Sets the user data in the given node
cnsSubStr Extracts parts of a CNS path