
The following options are valid for InfluxDB®.

  • database: Name of the database.
  • backupPath: The backup path where backed up files (segments of the database) are copied to. When empty the backup location for the InfluxDB® is <projdir>/db/wincc_oa/influx/backup.
    Note: For safety reasons the backup files should be copied to a different location, possibly on a different disk or even computer, so this entry should be changed to another location.
  • dpNameFilterSplitSize: Note that this is a dynamic setting. Use the + button to add this entry to the table.

    A WinCC OA query that does not use bonus value, sorting, aggregate functions /group by, or datapoint type filters is split into subqueries in the InfluxDB® backend for optimized InfluxDB® perfomance. The dpNameFilterSplitSize setting specifies the maximum number of datapoints that will be filtered in such an InfluxDB® subquery. The default value is 100 and the value 0 turns of the described splitting.

  • influxBinPath: If a project uses a remote backend for the InfluxDB®. This means that the backend is running on a different machine than the NextGen Archiver, you must ensure that the backend knows the path of the InfluxDB® binaries. These are required to create backups. The default location of the InfluxDB® binaries is wincc_oa_path/bin. If the binaries are located somewhere else, use the "influxBinPath" to specify the path.

    CAUTION: The entry "influxBinPath" is not available by default in the table. Add it by using the + sign.

Do not change the backup settings during the backup since the next scheduled backup configuration might be overwritten by the NGA manager.

The backup-specific settings such as "Retention period and synchronization time for the backup etc. are specified in the "Runtime Engineering" panel -> Group tab -> Storage Settings.

  • backupHostConnectionString: Backups are automatically performed by the InfluxDB® backend. Since it uses RPC communication, it needs a specific communication setting which is defined here. Note: If the database is used in a distributed environment (and the bind address has been adjusted in the influxdb.conf file, see Database Installation), every node accessing the database must specify the real IP address of the DB server here (instead of

  • databaseStartupTimeout: If the connection to the InfluxDB® cannot be established before the specified time runs out, the attempt is aborted and error messages are printed to the log. If you specify a value <= 0, the backend waits indefinitely for a connection to InfluxDB® to be established. The default value is 300 seconds.

Only following options must be specified for running the backend:

Connection string, DB Username and Password from "Basic configuration" tab.