How to migrate panels/message catalogues for an ISO project to UTF8?

When using WinCC OA 3.16 or a newer version only UTF8 languages are supported.

If your project framework is using ISO languages and you want to use UTF8 languages you have to follow the instructions given below to migrate the panels and message catalogues in your project framework.

Modification of panels

When using special characters in the panel it might happen that the textes are not displayed correctly if the panels with ISO textes are used in an UTF8 project. This rule also applies for $-parameters defined in the panel files.

The easiest way to make the panels readable in UTF8 projects is to save them as XML files. A panel file in XML format is always saved as UTF8 file.
You only have to change the format of the panel file. Even if the panel file is saved as XML file you can use the file extension ".pnl" or any other extension.

  • Make the conversion of panel files in PNL format to XML using the WinCC OA UI with the command line option -xmlConvert. The filenames will get the extension ".xml"
    E.g. converting the panel main.pnl for the project PlantProject
    WCCOAui -xmlConvert main.pnl -proj PlantProject
  • Rename the converted panels back to ".pnl" or to the extension which was used before. Then you do not have to change the scripts or code which refers to the panel names.

If you have a lot of panels you can write a script (e.g. a CTRL script) which executes the tasks.

Modification of message catalogues

The encoding for the catalogue files must be changed to UTF8. This can be done with a text editor, e.g. Notepad++.
The converted message catalogue you have to save in the msg/<language>.utf8 directory.

  • Open the message catalogue with a text editor
  • Change the encoding to UTF8 without BOM
  • Save the message catalogue in the correct directory
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