With which user should I start the WinCC OA Pmon Service when I’m using Kerberos?

The correct answer for this question depends on the specific requirements for every project. Every option has some advantages and disadvantages:

Option 1: Start Pmon as Network Service
This is the recommended option if high security requirements have to be fulfilled. With this option it is possible to limit the access to local folders on the own machine and it is not possible to get access to remote resources like printers and UNC-paths.
Disadvantage: In case where it is needed it is not possible to grant permission for remote resources

Option 2: Start Pmon as Local Service
No permissions for local and remote resources but it’s possible to grant access to local resources if they are required.
Disadvantage: In case where it is needed it is not possible to grant permission for remote resources

Option 3: Start Pmon as Local System
No permission for remote resources and full access to local resources but it is possible to limit the access to local resources.
Disadvantage: In case where it is needed it is not possible to grant permission for remote resources

Option 4: Start Pmon as specific User
A detailed distribution of permissions is possible. Access to local and remote resource could be granted.
Disadvantage: Malpractice of this user is possible and root permission in WinCC OA could be archived very easily. A high effort of working time could be possible to define a secure system.

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Installation / Configuration, Special Functions / Features, WinCC Open Architecture