WinCC OA-managers - SYS/WARNING - Cancel alive surveillance for “connection”

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which can occur during startup of the project or during runtime. The log-message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

PVSS00<manager> (1), 2011.11.04 09:53:46.431, SYS, WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, No alive message within alive timeout. Cancel alive surveillance for (SYS: 1 Redu -num 1 CONN: 2) (S) @ EITST080X64 ( Last message expected at 2011.11.04 09:53:45.445

Log-message with symbolic names:

PVSS00<manager> (1), <TIMESTAMP>, SYS, WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, No alive message within alive timeout. Cancel alive surveillance for (SYS: <system-number <manager-type> -num <manager-number> CONN: <server-connection>) (<network-connection>) @ <hostname> (<IP-address>). Last message expected at <time-information>

The log-message will occur when the transmission of UDP-messages is not possible, e.g due to firewall restrictions. WinCC OA is sending alive-messages using TCP and UDP.
In that case only the UDP-alive-mechanism is stopped. The TCP-alive-functionality is still active. Therefore this log-message has no negative effect to the functionality of the project.

At the log-message you can see which process has stopped the alive surveillance and which connection is affected.
PVSS00<manager>: process which has stopped the alive surveillance
<server-connection>: gives the information if the process <manager-type> + <manager-number> was running on the first (CONN:1) or secondary (CONN: 2) host in a redundant system
<network-connection>: gives the information if the primary (P) or secondary (S) network connection in a redundant network is affected

If you want to use also UDP-alive-messages and to get rid of this log-messages please the check the network settings and modify them to allow UDP data transmission.

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