Why are textcolors not visible on my popupmenu in Windows Aero style?

If you encounter a problem, that text colors of your popup menus are not in the color your have set, please note the following:


On Windows Vista / Win 7 upwards it is possible to use the graphical style "Aero".

This style however affects the display of text colors, such as those of the popup menu.

In order to avoid problems with this style, you can set your own graphical styles in WinCC OA.

Open the properties of the concerning UI and append the parameters "-style windows".

Note: The following styles are supported: 

  • plastique
  • cleanlooks
  • motif
  • cde
  • windows

dependent on the used platform maybe some of the following styles were also supported

  • windowsxp
  • windowsvista
  • macintosh

The next time the UI is started, it has graphical settings of Windows XP, in which the popup menu text colors are set the right way.

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Last revised:
3.10, 3.11
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User Interface, WinCC Open Architecture