When should i use CTRL-language and when should i use the API (C++)?

We recommend that you use CTRL in the most cases because:

  • CTRL is much simpler than C++
  • You don't have to compile your code
  • The script editor is integrated in the GEDI and you don't need special development tools
  • Handling asynchronous data functions (dpGet/dpConnect) is much easier in CTRL

However, in some cases it is necessary to use the API because:

  • You want to develop object oriented
  • You want to implement time critical code and have to meet high performance requirements (Mathematical algorithms, Handling huge amounts of time critical data, etc.)
  • You want to use existing C/C++ code or an external library and can't use a CTRL-extension for some reasons
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Programming / Scripting, PVSS, WinCC Open Architecture