What particular benefit or added value can be achieved by using the Disaster Recovery System?

Thanks to the wide geographic distribution, the Disaster Recovery System will take over all monitoring and control functions of the Master Control System in the event of an emergency. This failover routine guarantees faultless operation of the entire installation.
The use of the Disaster Recovery System maximizes the availability, and thus the breakdown security, of the overall installation. In consequence, excessive down periods are reduced.
Another advantage offered by the Disaster Recovery System is the local maintenance of historic data in the Oracle data base, keeping them constantly accessible.
All queries to the Oracle data base remain in the local network, so a narrower bandwidth is sufficient.
With the Disaster Recovery System, you get a simple and robust method to file historic data in geographically distributed Oracle data base. With a standard Oracle redundancy approach, this would be achievable only with considerable effort and expenditure.

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Redundancy, Special Functions / Features