WCCOAui/WCCOActrl/WinCC OA-drivers - IMPL/SEVERE - dpConnect, Maximum number of datapoints for connect in DpIdentList exceeded

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which can occur during runtime. The log-message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file

WCCOAui (1), 2012.09.21 14:56:08.916, IMPL, SEVERE, 54, Unexpected state, Manager, dpConnect, Maximum number of datapoints for connect in DpIdentList exceeded (100).

Log-message with symbolic names:

WCCOAui (1), <TIMESTAMP>, IMPL, SEVERE, 54, Unexpected state, Manager, dpConnect, Maximum number of datapoints for connect in DpIdentList exceeded (<current limit>).

For a driver the message can occur when using a datatype-structure with a lot of dp-elements where the address is configured at the node-element for the datatype-structure.

In 3.11 a new safety functionality was implemented which limits the number of dp-elements used at a dpConnect.

The value can be defined with the config-entry maxConnectMessageSize in the [general]-section, the default-value is 100. The current value is displayed at the last part of the log-message.

For details please have a look at the online-help: Reference tables --> Configuration file --> General settings.

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