WCCILdata - REDU/WARNING - DataManager, handleRecoverySysMsgGot RECOVERY REQUEST, but we are waiting for Data BG start. Sending NACK

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which can occur during startup in a redundant system when trying to start the recovery of the database. The log-message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

WCCILdata (0), 2014.01.21 12:19:27.040, REDU, WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, DataManager, handleRecoverySysMsgGot RECOVERY REQUEST, but we are waiting for Data BG start. Sending NACK

Log-message with symbolic names:

WCCILdata (0), <TIMESTAMP>, REDU, WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, DataManager, handleRecoverySysMsgGot RECOVERY REQUEST, but we are waiting for Data BG start. Sending NACK

This log-messages describes that the recovery (initiated by the other server-project starting at the moment) is not possible because the startup for the own server-project is not completely finished. The databg-manager is started with a short delay to reduce the system load during the initialization of other WinCC OA tasks and to decrease the startup time.
When the databg-manager was started the recovery will be possible.

On the other system the following log-messages are written:
WCCILdata (0), 2014.01.21 12:19:26.157, REDU, INFO, 0, , Sending recovery request to other replica
WCCILdata (0), 2014.01.21 12:19:26.162, REDU, INFO, 0, , Other replica temporarily unable to recover us, trying again later.

The first message describes that the starting server-project is sending the recovery request to the other server. At the second log-message you see the information, that the recovery is not possible. Therefore the server-project will try it again after 1 minute automatically. There is no user interaction necessary.

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