PVSS00valarch - IMPL/SEVERE - When recursively creating dir, some subdir cannot be created

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which occurs during startup when a problem is detected during the start of the value-archive-process.
The messages are written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

PVSS00valarch(9), 2009.03.12 11:48:01.443, SYS, INFO, 0, , Archive-directory was not present - will be created
PVSS00valarch(9), 2009.03.12 11:48:01.459, IMPL, SEVERE, 54, Unexpected state, When recursively creating dir, some subdir cannot be created: //project-server or hard disk is full., [d:\workspace\exe\datanew\valuearchive\archive.cpp:7023]
PVSS00valarch(9), 2009.03.12 11:48:01.459, IMPL, FATAL, 54, Unexpected state, Archive, Archive, Can't create archive (ErrNum=2), Can't create archive directory


Log-message with symbolic names:

PVSS00valarch(NUM), <TIMESTAMP>, SYS, INFO, 0, , Archive-directory was not present - will be created
PVSS00valarch(NUM), <TIMESTAMP>, IMPL, SEVERE, 54, Unexpected state, When recursively creating dir, some subdir cannot be created: <servername/path> or hard disk is full., [d:\workspace\exe\datanew\valuearchive\archive.cpp:7023]
PVSS00valarch(NUM), <TIMESTAMP>, IMPL, FATAL, 54, Unexpected state, Archive, Archive, Can't create archive (ErrNum=2), Can't create archive directory

This log-message describes that archive-directory cannot be created at the given directory <servername/path>.
If this error occurs please check if the operating system user which is starting the project has full access to the db-directory and its subdirectories.

Also please check if no path is defined at the datapoint-elements, X has to be substituted with the archive number:

In a redundant system you also have to check the datapoint-elements for the second server:

If a path is defined at those datapoint-elements please remove the entry and set it to an empty string.
Afterwards please start again the value-archive-process.

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