PVSS00valarch - IMPL/SEVERE - Found filled variable behind the data considered as filled

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which can occur during startup, the log-message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

PVSS00valarch(2), 2010.12.03 11:24:55.390, IMPL, SEVERE, 54, Unexpected state, General internal archive error (ErrNum=11), Found filled variable behind the data considered as filled dpe index 52, data index 9, dpCount in header 9, [k:\workspace\exe\datanew\valuearchive\archivset.cpp:932]

Log-message with symbolic names:

PVSS00valarch(X), <TIMESTAMP>, IMPL, SEVERE, 54, Unexpected state, General internal archive error (ErrNum=11), Found filled variable behind the data considered as filled dpe index <num>, data index <num>, dpCount in header <num>, [<source-file-path:number>]

"X" is substituted with the archive-number.
The values at the <num>-fields are only internal numbers referring to the structure of the archive-file.
The given path at the log-message is only internal information which refers to the source-code. There is no relation to any of the files or pathes in your project.

This log-message from the value-archive occurs because the project was not stopped correctly. When starting the archive the files are checked and errors (data was not written completely) are corrected. This is documented with this log-message.
When starting the archive again the log-messages should not occur again.

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