PVSS00event - SYS/SEVERE - Invalid license, Disabling para-license because cyclic license check founds no valid license

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which occurs when an error with the installed license is detected. The log-message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

PVSS00event (0), 2011.10.05 16:01:07.064, SYS, SEVERE, 105, Invalid license, Disabling para-license because cyclic license check founds no valid license
PVSS00event (0), 2011.10.05 16:01:07.080, SYS, SEVERE, 105, Invalid license, Eventmanager will shutdown after an emercency period of 604800 seconds


Log-message with symbolic names:

PVSS00event (0), <TIMESTAMP>, SYS, SEVERE, 105, Invalid license, Disabling para-license because cyclic license check founds no valid license
PVSS00event (0), <TIMESTAMP>, SYS, SEVERE, 105, Invalid license, Eventmanager will shutdown after an emercency period of 604800 seconds


This log-message describes that the cyclic license check failed. This can happen when a dongle-based license is used and the dongle is disconnected from the system.
When a hw-dependent license is used this is an indication that the hardware code has changed, maybe some hardware components had an failure of have been deactivated, e.g. one network-adapter was deactivated.

The system is deactivating the UI-parametrization licenses and is switching to the “7-day-emergency-period”.
Which means that the system will run for 7 days without restrictions for the runtime-usage. After this time-period the system cannot be started again, this is only possible when a new valid license is installed.
At the system an alert will be generated to inform the user that the license is invalid.

The “remaining-time”-counter is increased to show the user when the “7-day-emergency-period” is over.
When the project is restarted during the “7-day-emergency-period” at startup you’ll also get the information about the remaining time, e.g.:
PVSS00event (0), 2011.10.05 16:26:37.183, SYS, SEVERE, 105, Invalid license, Eventmanager will shutdown after an emercency period of 604072 seconds

During the “7-day-emergency-period” please get in contact with the responsible contact/vendor for your WinCC OA-installation for clarification and to get a new shield-file.

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