PVSS00event - PARAM/WARNING - EvQueryList, fillTable, Max. parse time for query exceeded, query aborted

Enclosed you will find the explanation for a log-message concerning the maximum allowed query prasing time. The log-message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

PVSS00event (0), 2010.12.19 17:10:51.925, PARAM,WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, EvQueryList, fillTable, Max. parse time for query exceeded, query aborted, SELECT '_original.._value','_original.._stime','_original.._user','_original.._manager' FROM 'DPGROUP(_DpGroup00022_Public)' WHERE (_LEAF AND '_original.._stime' > 1292764217 AND _EL NOT LIKE "*C?.*" AND _DP NOT LIKE "_mp*"


Log-message with symbolic names:
PVSS00event (0), <TIMESTAMP>, PARAM, WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, EvQueryList, fillTable, Max. parse time for query exceeded, query aborted, <query-string>

If the query was made within a CTRL-script the CTRL-manager also reports an error:

PVSS00ctrl (5), 2010.12.19 17:10:51.925, PARAM,SEVERE, 81, Syntax error, doQuery not successful, max. allowed parsing time exceeded

This message decribes that the maximum parsing time for a query is exceeded.
This maximum parsing time can be defined with the "maxParseTime" entry in the config file for the event-manager.
The default value of the "maxParseTime" is 20 seconds.
While the event-manager is parsing the query other actions cannot be executed. This shall be kept in mind when increasing this value.
In some cases the parsing time can be decreased when modifying the query-statement, e.g. by changing the settings for the FROM-statement or the dp-group if a group-filter is used.

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