PVSS00event - IMPL/WARNING - AlertPair, initState, wrong sum alert state --> repaired

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which can occur during startup of the project. The log-message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

PVSS00event (0), 2012.02.21 17:52:49.432, IMPL, WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, AlertPair, initState, wrong sum alert state --> repaired
System1:Pump1.status:_alert_hdl.._state (Type: 200 Sys: 1 Dp: 3148 El: 23 : _alert_hdl.._state) AlertTime: 2012.02.21;13:17:35:562 Count: 0

Log-message with symbolic names:

PVSS00event (0), <TIMESTAMP>, IMPL, WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, AlertPair, initState, wrong sum alert state --> repaired
<DPE-name>:_alert_hdl.._state (<DP-ID>: _alert_hdl.._state) AlertTime: <alert-time> Count: 0

The log-message desribes that an inconsistency at the alerts was detected during startup of the event-manager. The inconsistency is repaired in the process-image of the event-manager.
If the alert is raised again during runtime or deactivated/activated once the log-message does not occur at the next startup.

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