PVSS00ascii - SYS/SEVERE - Database error, TypeAndIdDb, open

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which occurs when an error is noticed during the ASCII-export, the log-message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

PVSS00ascii (0), 2011.10.04 14:32:03.937, SYS, SEVERE, 69, Database error, TypeAndIdDb, open


Log-message with symbolic names:

PVSS00ascii (0), <TIMESTAMP>, SYS, SEVERE, 69, Database error, TypeAndIdDb, open

This log-message describes that the database could not be opened for the ASCII-export.
There can be two different causes for this log-message:

-- the ASCII-export was started immediately after starting the project

After the startup of the project you have to wait until the databg-manager PVSS00databg is started before you can start an ASCII-export.

-- the ASCII-export was started at a client-computer and not at the server

Please note that the ASCII-export always has to be made at the server because the ASCII-manager is accessing directly the files of the database.

If the ASCII-export is started at a client-computer where no db-directory is existing or the db-directory is empty you’ll get the following additional log-entries:

PVSS00ascii (0), 2011.10.04 14:35:21.579, SYS, SEVERE, 69, Database error, RAIMA Database Error *** Code:-4 (PROGRAMMER/USER error: -4
can not open dictionary
C errno = 5: Input/output error
FILE: inittab.c(87)), errno:5 (Input/output error) FATAL ERROR - Trying to exit
PVSS00ascii (0), 2011.10.04 14:35:21.595, SYS, SEVERE, 69, Database error, RAIMA Database Error *** Code:-906 (SYSTEM/OS error: -906
unable to open TAF or DBL or LOG file
C errno = 13: Permission denied
FILE: taffcns.c(356)), errno:13 (Permission denied)
PVSS00ascii (0), 2011.10.04 14:35:21.626, SYS, SEVERE, 69, Database error, RAIMA Database Error *** Code:-906 (SYSTEM/OS error: -906
unable to open TAF or DBL or LOG file
C errno = 13: Permission denied
FILE: dblfcns.c(314)), errno:13 (Permission denied)
PVSS00ascii (0), 2011.10.04 14:35:21.642, SYS, SEVERE, 69, Database error, TypeAndIdDb, open
cannot open TypeAndIdDb
doAsciiOut returned error code: -2

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