Is the WinCC OA API available as 32Bit version for WinCC OA 3.12 (or newer) ?

In general WinCC OA 3.12 (or newer) and it's API is only available for 64Bit architecture.


Nevertheless the WinCC OA Web Client is also supported for 32Bit-architecture, because on client machines it could be necessary to operate the Web Client within a 32Bit-Webbrowser.

For this case the WinCC OA Ctrl-extensions are also located as 32Bit-version at the WinCC OA server (which is running as 64Bit version), to be downloaded from 32Bit-clients on demand.

If one of this 32Bit-Web Clients wants to overparameterize/enhance functionality of the Alarmscreen by using its own TabUtilEx.dll, the 32Bit-API is necessary by the customer for compiling/building this TabUtilEx.dll as 32Bit version.

For this (or similar) cases the 32Bit-API can be requested from the WinCC OA Customer Care Team, who will provide it for Windows or Linux on demand.

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Engineering, User Interface, Installation / Configuration, Alarming, Special Functions / Features, PVSS, WinCC Open Architecture, HMI