Is it possible to connect different versions of WinCC OA client and server?

A different WinCC OA version for server and client is officially not supported and not tested by ETM.

Technically it is possible to connect every WinCC OA Client to any WinCC OA server. But there are some things to be considered.

NOTE: During the development of WinCC OA some standard functions have been changed. This fact could cause some problems executing these functions – e.g. system management, intern data point types, database- and alarm enhancements.

NOTE: Regardless of the combination of the server client architecture you have to consider that new functions will not be supported with previous WinCC OA versions. Furthermore it is possible that changes in standard functions could cause problems executing affected functions.

Another possible problem could be caused by the changed panel format since WinCC OA 3.7.

Before combining a WinCC OA Client version with an older WinCC OA server or vice versa please contact the WinCC OA support team for more information and the side effects of the combination. In some cases it is not recommended to use a different version of WinCC OA for client and server. 

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Installation / Configuration, PVSS, WinCC Open Architecture