Is it allowed to move Datapoints from one Type to another in DRS, when the secondary system is down ?

In a DRS (Disaster Recovery System) all database configuration (datapoint-types, datapoints and configs) is interchanged between the primary and secondary system via ASCII-exports in the primary system and ASCII-imports on the secondary system.

This is done by unsing the "-younger"-Option in ASCII-manager. That means, that every change since a given time stamp is exported, to transmit only the changes of the last syncronisation cycle to the secondary system.

The following interchange of Datapoints will therefore not work:

1.) Initial state

Primary system has a Datapoint "Test", of Datapoint-Typ "A-Type".

Secondary system has also this Datapoint "Test" of Type "A-Type"

2.) Switch off the secondary system

3.) Delete Datapoint "Test" und Datapoint-Type "A-Type" on the primary system and create a new "Test" with Type "B-Type" on the Primary system

4.) Start Secondary system and wait for the next syncronisation cycle

5.) It the next syncronisation is forced, there will be done an ASCII-Export with DP "Test" of Type "B-Type" on primary system

6.) This ASCII-Export will be tried to be imported on secondary system and will fail, because in secondary system, there still exists a Datapoint "Test" with Type "A-Type"

Therefore it is not allowed to interchange Datapoints of the same name between datapoint types, when the secondary system is currently down.

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3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
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Redundancy, Distributed Systems, Special Functions / Features, WinCC Open Architecture