How to use own redundant state in CTRL scripts?

If a CTRL script should only process data on the active redundant host, the function reduActive (int &iAnswer, string System = "") can be used.

This function is doing a dpGet, so it cost additional time and overhead for the Event manager.

If the redundant state is needed in the callback function of a dpConnect/dpQueryConnectSingle/dpQueryConnectAll, it is a good idea to have the redundant state on a global variable which will be updated on every change of the own redundant state.

The following example shows how to keep the updated redundant state on a global variable and use it inside a function (could be a callback function of a dpConnect):

1)         Define a global variable for the updated redundant state:

                        global int iReduActive=-1; //I am the active or passive host? -1 means not initialized now


2)         At the beginning for the main function, connect to the own redundant state and update the variable:




                                   { //in none redundant projects for testing we are acting as active (anyway, the redundant synchronization makes no sense)

                                               iReduActive = 1;




                                               string sHostSuffix = (initHosts()==2?"_2":"");


                                               string sReduActiveDP = "_ReduManager"+sHostSuffix+".Status.Active";

                                               dpConnect("workUpdateReduActiveState", true, sReduActiveDP); //connect to redundant state of own host


                                   // wait for redu state

                                   while(iReduActive==-1) //while not initialized




                                   … //your other code



3) update the iReduActive variable on change, inside the callback function

                        private ctrlSynch_workUpdateReduActiveState(string sDPE, bool bActive)


                          iReduActive = (int)bActive;



4) use the redundant state inside your code. e.g.:



                                   if(iReduActive!=1) //this host is currently not the active of the redundancy


                                   ...//your other code


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Last revised:
3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, ALL Versions
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