How to translate/change the text “CAME” and “WENT” in the AEScreen?

The texts for the alert direction are defined in the message catalogue, the keywords are “entered” for the CAME-text and “left” for the WENT-text.

If you want to translate or change the texts which are shown in the AEScreen for the alert direction you have to perform the following steps:
-- copy the file to the language-dependent msg-directory in your WinCC OA project. At the WinCC OA version this file is available with the texts in German, English and Russian language.
-- open the file with a text-editor
-- change the texts for the keywords “entered” and “left”

If you want to translate the texts in the message catalogue you can use the Translator-tool. For detailed information please have a look at the online help: Multilanguage projects --> Translator.

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Engineering, User Interface, Alarming