how to look what driver adress is used in which DPE

 You have to copy the driver adress from the DPE where a adress config is included.


S7 Driver : Reference in adress_config Panel in Para: my_S7.DB56.DBX0.0

Check what kind of driver number has e.g the S7 driver. In my case the driver has the number 2.

Now go with the para to the interal DP _Driver2 ( from _DriverCommon Type ) and paste the reference string into 

Copy "my_S7.DB56.DBX0.0" this into the DPE from internal _DriverCommon Typ _Driver2.HW_HWMask and press enter.

If you go one DPE element down to the .HWMatch, you will find the DPE on which this adress_config is active.

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