How to keep one year of value archives online - what's a suitable backup strategy?

To have one year of archive data online and all other data on a backup drive, the following example settings can be used for the value archive. On usage of more archive managers, the same strategy can be applied on each of them:


Example of daily file switch, 1 year online, backup every week, correction values allowed for last 7 days:

If it has been decided to have daily archive switched, it should be set to once a day for example at 4:00 am.

The compression step 1 could be set to 1 to keep the memory usage on hard disk small as possible.

For compression step 2, the value needs to be bigger than the value for compression step 1, in our example it could be set to 7 to allow setting correction value for the last week.

By setting the backup interval to weekly at 5:00 am (after the daily archive switching time!), the archives will be copied to backup directory every week.


Note: to avoid single point of failure, the backup directory should not be on the same computer or same hard disk as the project!

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3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, ALL Versions
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Archiving, PVSS, WinCC Open Architecture