How to get the number of records at the configuration history?

The configuration history is limited to a defined number of records (16777216 records).

You can get the current number of records with the following procedure:

-- stop the project
-- open a command-shell
-- change into the directory <project-path>/db/pvss or <project-path>/db/wincc_oa
-- call the command <installation-path>/bin/dbcheck ConfHist > confhist.log
The <installation-path> is the directory where you’ve installed WinCC OA.
-- open the created log-file with a text-editor (Notepad, VI, …)
-- for every “data file” in the database the number of records is listed: “total of …. records”
-- check if entries can be found where the number of records is 16777216 (2°24) or nearly this value.
If such a high number can be found you should initialize the configuration history to avoid problems.

If you have additional questions please get in contact with your common WinCC OA support.

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