How to get the Datapoint-Type Name by the Type-ID?

If you want to know the name of a DP type and only the ID is known you can use the tool WCCOAtoolNameToId.

1.) Open a cmd-shell and go to the WinCCOA-Version/bin - directory
2.) Enter the following command: WCCOAtoolNameToId.exe -proj <your projectname> -t <Type ID>

Example: WCCOAtoolNameToId.exe -proj MYPROJECT -t 523

Details can be found within the WinCCOA-Documentation -> Special Functions -> Identification Caching & DP Identification


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ALL Versions, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.15
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Engineering, Programming / Scripting, Installation / Configuration, PVSS, WinCC Open Architecture