How to get an alert when a value archive is not running?

Normally the connection state for a process is noticed at the elements for the _Conn-datapoints (DP-type _ManagerConnections). The configuration for these connections can be made at SystemOverview-panel.

For the connection between the data-manager and the archive-manager this is not working properly when the complete project is restarted. During startup the archive managers are started before the startup for the event-manager is made, therefore the datapoint-elements are not set correctly.

If you want to get an alert when the process for the value archive is not running you have to configure an alert-handling for the element _ValueArchive_X(_2).state. X has to be substituted with the archive number, the datapoints with the postfix “_2” are used for the second server in a redundant system.

The dp-element can have three different values
0 = archive is not running
1 = archive is running
3 = archive is not used

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