How to get a "old style" Windows startmenu?

When installing Windows 10 the Windows standard start menu looks different as in previous Windows versions.
All programs are listed by their first character in alphabetical order. The diversification into different sub folders is not made, e.g. Siemens Automation --> Runtime Systems --> WinCC OA 3.14.

If you want to use the "old style" for the start menu you can add an own toolbar to the Windows taskbar.
This can made with the following procedure:

-- "Right click" at the taskbar
-- "Toolbars" --> "New toolbar ..."
-- Select "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
-- "Click" at "Select Folder"

Now the toolbar is configured and added to the Windows Taskbar. It can be used by a "Left Click" on it.


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