How to determine the number of datapoints and types?

To determine the number of datapoints and types the flag “-report 6” (“–report dpidentification”) must be sent to the event manager using the WinCC OA console. The result informs about the byte consumption of the datapoints, number of datapoints and the number of dp-types.

The result is written to the manager-specific logfile (below you can find an example). For this example the number of datapoints and types can be readout from the lines “PVSS00event0: Datapoint Names: 598, String bytes: 9299, Total bytes: 23679” and “PVSS00event0: Datapoint Type Names: 240, String bytes: 3143, Total bytes: 7971”

PVSS00event0: -- DpIdentification status report:

PVSS00event0: Number of systems: 1

PVSS00event0: System 1

PVSS00event0: Datapoint Names: 598, String bytes: 9299, Total bytes: 23679

PVSS00event0: Element table: Items: 5033, No of types: 240, String bytes: 46348, Total bytes: 154236

PVSS00event0: Alias table: No of items: 948, No of Alias: 16, String bytes: 306, No of Comments: 948, String bytes: 46986, Total bytes: 70172

PVSS00event0: Datapoint Type Names: 240, String bytes: 3143, Total bytes: 7971

PVSS00event0: Total memory usage for this System: 256058 bytes

PVSS00event0: Total memory usage: 256058 bytes



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Programming / Scripting, Installation / Configuration, PVSS, WinCC Open Architecture