How to count the number of active IOs?


There are two possibilities to count the number of IOs – one exact but more sophisticated one and one approximation which is rather simple.

To get an exact result a control script must be written which gets the dp-elements with an active address by using the internal driver-datapoints. If a check of the datatype shows that it is a structure the number of elements in this structure will be considered using dpNames with the specific pattern.

The simple way to get an approximation of the number of IOs is to set the flag “–report configmanager” (-report 7) for the running driver by using the WinCC OA console. The information is written to the logfile and informs about the number of configs in container, the allocated DPEs and the details of the configs, e.g.:

-- Number of DpElements allocated: 127
-- config container Bytes: 029160
-- config container details
count * config name

A second simple way is to have a look in the event manager connections panel of the systemmanagement. It displays the number of system messages sent and received by each manager and the configs saved in the memory of the selected process. In the driver section the number of active IOs are shown for every driver in the detail panel.

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