How can I use dpDisconnect/dpQueryDisconnect from a different script as connecting?

To disconnect a datapoint connections made via dpConnect, dpQueryConnectSingle, dpQeuryConnectAll or dpConnectUserData, the function call of dpDisconnect / dpDisconnectUserData / dpQueryDisconnect needs to be in the same script.

So it is not possible to do a dpConnect in an init script and dpDisconnect via a button click. It is also not possible to do a dpConnect via a button click and execute the dpDisconnect with a click on another button.


A possible solution for that is to use a hidden textfiled that triggers the dpConnect/dpDisconnect on text change:

1) Place a text filed on the panel.

2) Set the text field to invisible.

3) Implement in the text change event the following:


if(sNewText == “”) //to avoid a recursion


if(sNewText == "1")

               dpConnect (….);

else if(sNewText == "0")


               this.text = “”; //have to reset the text field, otherwise the text change event would not be triggered with the same set text



4) The clicked script of the button for dpConnect: textField.text = “1”;

5) The clicked script of the button to dpDisconnect: textField.text = “0”;


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Programming / Scripting, User Interface, WinCC Open Architecture, HMI