PVSS00ctrl/PVSS00ui - CTRL/WARNING - Multiple definition of function

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which can occur during startup. The log-message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

PVSS00ui (2), 2013.02.14 10:13:57.932, CTRL, WARNING, 7/ctrl, Multiple definition of function "getEngineState" in "D:\WinCC_OA\projects\Energy\scripts\libs\engine.ctl" and "D:\WinCC_OA\projects\EnergySupply\scripts\libs\plant.ctl"

Log-message with symbolic names:

PVSS00ui (<manager-number>), <TIMESTAMP>, CTRL, WARNING, 7/ctrl, Multiple definition of function "<function-name>" in "<path + filename>" and "<path + filename>"

The log-message describes that the function <function-name> is defined multiple times in the CTRL-libraries which are displayed at the log-message at <path + filename>.
Most of the times it occurs when copying standard libraries and saving them with a different filename.
Please check the CTRL-libraries and the defined functions.
Also please have a look at the config-files (config, config.level, config.redu) and check the settings for the config-entries loadCtrlLibs, loadAllCtrlLibs and unloadCtrlLibs. With these config-entries it is defined which CTRL-libraries shall be loaded during startup.

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