How to create own object library (symbols and DPTs)?

The most easy and fastest way to create your own object library (including symbols, DPTs, faceplates)  is to use the Stdlib.

The Stdlib is a framework which allows to create an object library by following a few rules instead of required CTRL programming.

The basic rules are the location where to save panels, how to name DPTs and functions. Details about how to create an object library based on the Stdlib framework can be found in the Online help of the Stdlib (<WinCC OA installation folder>/Stdlib_<version>/help/<language>/Stdlib.chm). The BasicS7, AdvS7 and BACnet library are build with the Stdlib.


The object library should be used as sub project and has a high level of reusability.

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3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13
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Programming / Scripting, Special Functions / Features, PVSS, WinCC Open Architecture