Patch 3.19-P003

A new update for WinCC OA V3.19 has been uploaded. 

WinCC OA patches are more than just bug fixes. 

Continuous feature integration makes it possible to implement enhancements in several different categories into our product. To keep your software up to date, make sure to download and install the newest patch. 

Patch Highlights

Dashboard - New Pie Chart

The Pie Chart Widget is useful for quick and clear visualization of data distribution through larger or smaller segments. The relative size of different segments can be further distinguished by using different colors or patterns for each segment, allowing for easy comparison between them. Key areas of interest can be highlighted to draw attention to them in a simple and intuitive way.

Overall, the Pie Chart Widget is a powerful tool for presenting customer value data in a clear, concise, and engaging way, allowing businesses to communicate key insights to customers, stakeholders, and decision-makers.

Figure 1. Demo Dashboard with Pie Chart


The MQTT Publisher has received a small enhancement; it is now possible to use the Plantmodel display name as topic name. This allows for more flexibility and further enhances the usefulness of the Plantmodel feature.


The native WinCC OA license tool has been enabled for auto updates without the need for a license ticket. License updates for a container can be performed automatically and without explicitly having to state the license ticket ID. With this new functionality, the customer can now perform license operations quicker and more flexibly.

Performance improvement

Significant performance optimization has been achieved through faster loading times for the aes.ctl and sdSymbolDynamics.ctl libraries.

The patch is available for download on the WinCC OA Portal: