Patch 3.19-P002

A new update for WinCC OA V3.19 has been uploaded. 

WinCC OA patches are more than just bug fixes. 

Continuous feature integration makes it possible to implement enhancements in several different categories into our product. To keep your software up to date, make sure to download and install the newest patch. 

Patch Highlights

REST Reporting API

The WinCC OA REST API, introduced in WinCC OA 3.19, allows the requesting of data via a web-based interface. With this update, the REST reporting API’s JSON answer format has been majorly improved. The resulting answers are available as JSON objects to provide a self-contained data format which makes automated parsing as easy as possible. The data format has improved state and error reporting, enabling the user to be absolutely secure about the reliability of the data in the report.

Note: In the progress of optimizing the JSON-Formats, compatibility could no longer be guaranteed seamlessly. Please take a look at the documentation here for more information.


The expiration date of the default certificate for IEC 104 driver has been updated to match other default certificates of WinCC OA.

Warning: WinCC OA default certificate MUST NOT be used in productive environments! For ensuring secure operation it is crucial to create your own individual certificates! For more information, please see this SIOS post.

The patch is available for download on the WinCC OA Portal: