
This function identifies whether an elementary symbol is visible.


bool hook_<libraryPrefix>_visibleElementarySymbol(string sDpe);


Parameter Description
sDpe Name of the datapoint element to which the elementary symbol references.

Return Value

TRUE = Elementary symbol visible.

FALSE = Elementary symbol not visible.


This function determines whether an elementary symbol is visible (by default, all are visible).

In the return value, call the function hook_<LibName>_hasDpeAnActiveAdress() so that only the symbols with a valid address to a data point element are visible.

Note that if a rule has already been created for this elementary symbol, the rule is then combined with this function by using an AND connection.

.You can find the function in the stdlib_hook_project.ctl under wincc_oa_path/Stdlib_3.19/scripts/libs/

bool hook_visibleElementarySymbol (string sDpe, string sUser="")
  //  if(sUser=="")
  //    sUser = getUserName();
  //return hook_hasDpeAnActiveAdress(sDpe);
  return true;