WinCC Open Architecture V3.19 now available

In times where SCADA systems have to follow the increasing trend towards IT and OT integration, WinCC Open Architecture is committed to perform both efficiently and effectively – and doing so as fast as possible.

WinCC Open Architecture V3.19 Overview

The new product version 3.19 performs faster than ever, while the newly added connectivity and third-party integration options provide an environment for your projects to run smoothly and cost-efficiently.

WinCC Open Architecture has always had a high-performing core – and its core data throughput has been increased by up to 4 times, making system operation at only a quarter CPU load as before possible. With this increase in value changes per second, system reactivity rises and more performance reserves on existing and new projects are made available. The customer can integrate more business logic into existing projects, allowing them to grow without the need for more hardware, and risk of failure is reduced by the added performance buffer.

Future-proof technology

WinCC Open Architecture is committed to solving our customers’ future problems today. By replacing our configuration database (RAIMA) with SQLite, a new and improved relational database solution, the software has been made year-2038 ready well ahead of the curve. Including zero voltage safety, better performance as well as a smaller footprint, SQLite offers our customers many configuration options and last value storage.

The WinCC Open Architecture Dashboard, introduced with version 3.18, has received an update as well: various enhancements made to some of our older widgets as well as the brand-new Video and ULC UX widgets make sure our customers get to enjoy even more functionality and optimization.

Of course, the new version also contains new connectivity features, such as added companion specs ad method support in OPC UA. Other driver enhancements, such as increased shopfloor connectivity through usability improvements and a new NTCIP Driver, and various security updates and certifications.

Further, WinCC Open Architecture has been integrated even closer into the existing Siemens Portfolio Landscape via the support of PM Add-ons, reducing integration effort in existing project environments.

Check out the new version today!

You can find more information at the following resources:

Your WinCC OA Team 

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WinCC Open Architecture V3.19
WinCC Open Architecture V3.19
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